香港的世界紀錄協會  世界的紀錄挑戰平台

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202379日,香港校董學會在九龍觀塘安秀道27號瑪利諾中學舉辦慶祝香港回歸祖國廿六周年系列活動親子華服好家風·書法齊創新紀錄, 共有128對親子組合穿著傳統中華服裝以毛筆書寫大會主題字句,創世界紀錄協會世界上最多對親子組合著華服同時寫毛筆書法”世界紀錄。

The challenge activity with having maximum number of pairs of parent and child teams to wear traditional Chinese clothing and conduct Chinese writing brush calligraphy in the world

On July 9, 2023, a series of activities to celebrate the 26th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and a parent-child activity with wearing traditional Chinese clothing for inheriting good family style and family motto and conducting Chinese writing brush calligraphy for creating a new record has been held in the Maryknoll Secondary School by the Hong Kong Academy of School Managers. With a total of 128 pairs of parent and child teams with wearing traditional Chinese clothing and conducting Chinese writing brush calligraphy to write the Chinese characters and sentences related to the activity theme, this set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the challenge activity with having maximum number of pairs of parent and child to wear traditional Chinese clothing and conduct Chinese writing brush calligraphy in the world.





首頁    香港:世界上最多對親子組合著華服同時寫毛筆書法